Do you want to extend your audience reach, grab in-store traffic, and boost your brand’s visibility? If so, then you should start thinking big – literally.
Large format printing services have made it easier than ever before to create enormous, eye-catching banners, wraps, posters, and event signage. It’s a perfect time to take a look at some of the most exciting new trends and directions in the world of large format photos, posters, and display graphics. These revenue-boosting applications can give your Arkansas business an advantage over the competition.
Materials Make a Difference
As large format printing services and technologies continue to evolve, the range of materials that can be printed on continues to expand. Poster printing is now possible on metal, PVC plastic, fabrics and other substrates, giving you more options than ever for creating magnetic cling wraps, static cling posters, rigid metal floor stands, and theater canvas backdrops.
Today’s Color Trends
The use of color has shifted in some interesting directions as well, most notably in the tendency to play against the escalating social, political, and economic anxiety that seems to have our society biting its collective nails this year. Marketing campaigns are emphasizing soft, soothing colors and shades that are bound to attract many of the more sensitive prospective buyers out there. Stark black and white has also become more powerful than ever in large poster printing. The ability for large format machines to print white ink on black surfaces, for instance, can produce startlingly eye-popping text displays, wall graphics, and event signage.
Making the Most of Media Convergence
The impact of large format photo printing and display technologies can be as enormous as the images themselves – and not just at street level. Print marketing and digital marketing are now understood to be two sides of the same very valuable coin, and large format printing services make it easy to grab your audience’s attention and direct it toward your website or social media. This one-two punch can help integrate the online and offline aspects of your marketing presence.
Exciting Applications
Large format printing services can feed a variety of new branding and marketing applications for your organization:
- An online or TV campaign in which the target audience is encouraged to post and share snapshots of your large display graphics on their social media channels.
- A discreet rebranding effort in which you create an entire series of all-new vehicle wraps and banner displays quietly, in advance, so that your entire new look is ready to unveil all at once.
- An entire wall or window filled with large, high-definition photos or other display graphics advertising your delicious new menu item, flying a gigantic flag proudly on holidays, or screaming your brand name in super-sized letters.
- Full-sized informational charts, promotional cutouts, and point-of-sale displays to direct in-store traffic and encourage sales in retail settings or sales conferences.
If you want to make your business’s branding and event signage memorable with large format printing services, contact Arkansas Graphics today at 501-263-2649 to get an estimate for your project.
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