They are often overlooked, yet stationery and letterhead still play an important role in establishing a memorable corporate identity.
While a strong digital presence is crucial in corporate branding, traditional corporate stationery can help you engage your audience in ways you might not expect. A thoughtfully designed letterhead and carefully chosen stationery can help your business’s corporate identity make a lasting impression on current customers, competitors, and potential clients.
Brand Recognition
Your brand is who you are in the mind of consumers. Strong brands achieve recognition through online and offline involvement, and corporate stationery is a powerful offline marketing tool. Well-designed letterhead, logos, fonts, color schemes, and layout can help you stand out from the competition and drive top-of-mind awareness. These benefits are crucial to all types of businesses, from startups looking to penetrate the market to large corporations looking to refresh their look to fit modern tastes and trends. Specialty printing through a professional graphic design company can help you make the most out of every offline marketing opportunity.
The Importance of Touch
Corporate stationery engages consumers in a way that online marketing cannot – through touch. The act of holding a well-crafted letter or envelope helps consumers connect with and recall your brand. You have plenty of options in this sphere of printing: business cards, invitations, coupons, flyers, brochures, contest announcements, thank you letters, and much more. Choosing quality materials is key. Find a professional design and printing company who can make a great impression on consumers and build your corporate identity in Arkansas and markets across the world.
Standard printer paper, tacky fonts, and poorly designed logos and layouts are common pitfalls of new businesses. Consumers who receive poorly crafted stationery may forever associate your brand with low quality, unreliability, and a lack of professionalism. Even if you feel confident with your homemade designs, keep in mind that you’re competing with companies who have likely invested a lot of research and capital into their corporate identity.
Before you send that office document to your printer, take some time to think about what type of message you want to send to your readers. Professional graphic designers understand many core elements of corporate branding including color theory, white space, logo design, and other areas you may not be familiar with. They will also work with you to find the best way to communicate your corporate identity to your audience.
Driving Sales
By building a strong presence through corporate stationery, you can drive sales both online and off. Email filters can send even the most clever and elegant messages to a reader’s spam folder. Well-crafted envelopes and letters stand out from junk mail and capture readers’ attention. If your stationery seamlessly matches the design of your website and digital presence, you will build confidence in your brand and stay top of mind with potential clients.
If you want your company’s stationery and letterhead to further establish your corporate identity, contact Arkansas Graphics today at 501-263-2649 to get an estimate.
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