Start off 2015 by taking a look at your marketing collateral and updating your business stationery design to reflect current trends, company goals, and corporate branding.
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith so many items on your to-do list, chances are that updating your marketing suite is not your first priority this year. But you cannot let your branding slip through the cracks if you want to improve your marketing and sales efforts. Branded marketing collateral is how you communicate your presence to the world, and if it isn’t up-to-date, you risk losing customers and credibility. Instead, take the time to think through your business stationery design and update it for this year by executing the following simple steps. Then, if you need help choosing a new design or simply need to get your new design brought to life, consider working with a company that specializes in business stationery printing services.
Never Forget Your Corporate Identity
Your corporate identity is the most important aspect of your branding process, because it is the face you present to the world. But it is not only how customers, clients and the press thinks of you, it is how your business thinks of itself. Your image influences public perception, internal motivation, camaraderie, purpose, and drive, so it’s crucial that you align your new marketing strategy with your pre-existing mission, values, and branding. This is especially important when making a departure from your traditional business stationery, so bring all stake-holders and company executives on board to discuss changes before making them.
Get a Second Opinion
However well you know your company, you may not the best person to form a detached opinion about public awareness of your brand. Instead of relying on understandably biased insiders, survey a group of outsiders by asking them to review your printed marketing materials and larger format items such as your sales banners or signs. Ask them questions such as:
- Is this conveying our values?
- Do you understand what we do?
- Is the aesthetic appealing?
- What would make you want to work with us or buy from us?
If you cannot afford a real focus group, try asking your clients for their opinion or run a survey through your email list.
Use Color Wisely
When planning your stationery design, think carefully about how you will use color, empty space, and other details to the best effect. But don’t shy away from using vibrant hues or unique fonts either; this is one of the best ways to make your logo, company name, and slogan stand out. Incorporate these design elements throughout your materials in a way that complements your color scheme. When you are ready to produce the final product, hire a professional digital printing service that will do the job quickly and successfully.
Redesigning your stationery or even heading in a new branding direction is a hefty decision to make, but with a careful plan in place and the right parties on board, you stand a much better chance of making the right choice. When you decide to create new marketing materials, contact Arkansas Graphics to find out more about how to design and print your business stationery and other branding items. We would love to help you start a new print marketing campaign in 2015.
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