What should you do to switch up your direct mail marketing? Try lumpy mail!
The goal of direct mail is to attract attention. To that end, there has been a growing trend toward dimensional mail, or mail that is bigger and fatter than traditional mail. Dimensional mail gets attention—and results.
Dimensional mail that contains some kind of gift or incentive is also known by the more descriptive term “lumpy mail.” The idea is to provide something more substantial (or “lumpier”) than a flat postcard or letter. The “lump” itself—the object(s) included in the package—is an integral part of the campaign.
The nature of the “lump” can be literal, such as a product sample, or symbolic—say, a foam rubber brain, tied into the promotional message, “Working with us is a no-brainer.”
Examples of lumpy mail include:
- Envelopes containing pens or other useful items bearing the client’s logo.
- Packages containing product samples.
- Candies or other treats accompanying promotional material.
- Physical objects that tie into the campaign’s marketing message.
- Basically any object the designer and client see fit to include.
The idea is that everyone likes receiving something unique, especially when there is an appealing gift in the box aside from something promotional. This increases the likelihood that the recipient will not only open the package but respond to the package’s message.
Want more ideas for incorporating lumpy mail into your next mailing? Let us brainstorm with you!