Print marketing in Arkansas is thriving as brands embrace digital and in-print advertising tactics to reach new consumers.
In an age where everyone seems to be glued to their smartphones, you might think that print marketing was dead. But the reality is that the most successful companies are learning how to integrate print and digital marketing to create multi-tiered campaigns. If you want to create branded print marketing that Arkansas companies and customers will love, then you need to leverage new-age design tactics and innovative ideas.
How to Integrate Print and Digital Marketing That Customers Will Love
According to a recently published Nielsen Company report, more than 50 percent of all U.S. adult consumers use in-print media on a weekly basis to learn about upcoming sales, products, and promotional events. As a direct response to the latter statistic and in an effort to appeal to more than half of consumers, an impressive 68 percent of retailers leverage the power of print as the majority component within their entire marketing strategy. If you want to join the ranks of successful businesses who understand that print is an important media in today’s digital world, then you can implement the following three strategies.
- Create Coupons. — A recent article published on Target Marketing revealed that print marketing is imperative to reaching Millennials, the largest consumer population. The article stated that 49 percent of Millennials use print coupons, while 75 percent use the grocery circulars to find local deals. With these statistics in mind, you can integrate digital and print marketing efforts by leveraging the power of coupons. Do not forget that your print ads should also include your company’s website, so that you can increase digital traffic, while simultaneously appealing to consumers who prefer print media. You can further integrate digital and print marketing efforts by sending out a mailer that includes an online verification code or encouraging consumers to print online offers for use in store.
- Discover Versatile Marketing Opportunities. — Versatility is one of the reasons that print is so important in today’s digital world. All too often online marketing campaigns are designed to point consumers towards a social media page. The downside of continuously pointing consumers towards social media pages is that all of the campaigns begin to look the same. After all, the majority of social media pages all feature similar layouts, which means it is harder for businesses to stand out from the crowd. Fortunately, print materials, such as brochures, business cards, flyers, and banners offer a heightened level of versatility that can increase memorability and brand loyalty. If you want to be more dynamic than the standard Facebook or Twitter account, then you need to embrace the versatile power of print marketing materials.
- Add Social Media to Print Materials Integrating your online presence with print is an easy way to promote your customer engagement, as it makes information more accessible. It is important to include your website URL and all account handles to ensure that your customers can find you quickly. If you are looking to add a little pop of color to your materials, you can simply add the Facebook or Instagram logos next to your handles.
Branded Print Marketing Arkansas Companies Can Use to Impress Customers
Arkansas Graphics (AGI) is ready to help your business integrate its digital and print marketing efforts to create multi-tiered campaigns that appeal to today’s consumer. Together, print and digital can lead to higher conversion rates, increased sales, and happy consumers who are ready to sing your company’s praises. Contact us today by calling (501)-263-2649 to create robust print marketing materials that complement your digital efforts.