Business cards usually say little more than how to get in contact with a company. If used correctly, however, cards can do much more. Here are some ideas for getting more out of this marketing tool.
1. Use a non-traditional stock.
Instead of using the same high-volume plain white stock that your competitors use, why not choose something that better represents what you do? If you sell party supplies, for example, consider a business card coated with colored foil. If you own or manage a “hard-bodies” gym, find paper made from rocks! (Yes, there is such a thing.)
2. Use both sides.
Most business cards aren’t printed on the back, creating a massive opportunity for you. Think “mini brochure.” Add text that tells a story about what your specialty is and what you’ve accomplished. Add QR codes or augmented reality to take prospects to videos or landing pages where they can learn more.
3. Segment cards to target different audiences.
Just as you can segment your direct mail and email to different target audiences, you can do the same thing with business cards. If you sell landscaping equipment, consider creating one card for customers selling into the residential market and another for those selling into the business market.
5. Add embellishments and dimensions.
Black-and-white or colored text on white stock. Is that how you want people to remember you? Add iridescence, embossing, foil, or specialty coatings in ways that help people remember your story. If you sell water systems, for example, add a water drop with a satin coating to pop off the uncoated stock. You want readers to easily recall your earlier conversation or marketing interaction and why they wanted to stay in contact with you in the first place.
Ready to get started?
Your business card is a mini-canvas that you can use to truly sell yourself and what you can do. Contact us today to get started!
Source: Inspired by Pat McGrew’s “Storytelling Business Cards” on Print Sample TV.