Watch how Arkansas Graphics can help you find the right promotional products that potential customers will want while working within your budget.
Do your products make an impact and convert leads? Learn how our trade show product expert, Hannah, can help you choose the right promotional product for your audience and your goals!
Video Transcript
My name is Hannah McDonald. I’d like to call myself the promo princess but my professional title is promotional products specialist. My specialty is really coming up with unique ideas for people if they have a trade show that they are attending. You can really look for something specific that the end user is going to want to receive. Really target that end user and give them something they’re going to want and also work within their budget.
People that I work with don’t have to have a crazy budget. I work with local young businesses that you know don’t have a lot of marketing money and and we work with huge companies that have a huge marketing budget. So I really like to help people find something that’s going to work for them within their budget.
If someone’s going to be attending a trade show I would say they need to sit down with someone like me and talk about what the trade show is about and who’s going to be attending. That way we can find out what those people want to receive and we can work within their budget to find pieces of swag that they’re going to want to pick up from the table. The more unique products you can hand out the better.
The great thing about working with Arkansas graphics too is that we don’t just offer promotional products we are printing company so we can tie a promotional product with a printed piece and send that out to customers and that really just ties it in.
I think the best way to get results is by really targeting who you’re sending these products to. So the more you can know about the end user the better. A lot of sales professionals need promotional products it’s a great way to warm up those cold calls if you can walk in with a gift I don’t think anyone’s going to turn you away.
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