Yes, digital marketing is absolutely the future of our industry…but that doesn’t necessarily mean that print marketing is the past. We’ll let the data speak for itself…
According to Print Media Centr, the print industry is made up of 640 billion dollars worth of projects with a projected increase of 50% of companies making orders online by 2017.
We are frequently asked about what kinds of print materials businesses are ordering. Research shows that direct mail is still vital to a successful direct marketing campaign. In fact, projections for direct mail advertising in 2020 look exactly the same as they did in 2008.
Why? A survey performed by International Communications Research found that 73% of consumers actually prefer to receive physical mail for new product announcements or offers. Nielsen found that that number could be as high as 90%. Only 18% of consumers reported a preference for email.
The power of print marketing is in the results, too: The Direct Marketing Association finds that the cost per response of direct mail is averages 19 dollars, compared to Internet search ads at 30 dollars and Internet display ads at 50 dollars.
While email marketing tends to have a lower cost per response, it also tends to have lower response rates at 0.1%. Direct mail has a 3.7% response rate.
You can also see the power of print marketing in how it translates to online purchasing – 67% of online searches are driven by offline messages. Shoppers who receive a direct mail piece directing them to go online to make a purchase actually spend 13% more than shoppers who did not receive a printed marketing piece.
The audience and type of print materials also have an impact on the power of your print marketing. For business to consumer campaigns, oversized envelopes and catalogs get the best response rates. For business to business campaigns, postcards get the best response rates.
Are you ready to get a new print marketing campaign started today? Talk to the experts at Arkansas Graphics in Little Rock. We’ll help you find the right medium for your message.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]